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Version Notes
Whole number version changes (1, 2) are official releases and will indicate large changes beyond the adding of presets.
Versions changes by the tenth (0.1, 0.2) indicate that new presets have been added.
Version changes by the hundredth (0.11, 0.12) indicate that there have been bug fixes or other changes, without new presets being added.
Sometimes I break the rules
- 1.41
- added scale and dimension info to the addon panel
- file now needs to be saved before baking, fixing a file path bug
- “auto resolution detail” default was lowered to 1, to help with speed
- “auto resolution detail” is now tied to model scale and block size to keep color detail consistent
- some tooltips were rewritten
- parameters were reordered
- 1.4
- Updated to include blocks from Minecraft 1.20
- There are now separate modifiers for version 1.17, 1.19, and 1.20 to allow people to use blocks from these versions
- Made a BlockBlender addon that can be installed and used from any file
- The addon has the following options:
- block version selection
- turn to blocks button
- hide / remove blocks buttons
- apply scale and rotation button
- join selected objects button
- convert to mesh button
- export schematic / get schematic exporter button
- bake 1K texture / get BakeLab button
- import gradient tools button
- frequently asked questions button
- discord button
- Added 5 more image slots (a total of 10)
- Added new parameters
- “UVMap name” if you want to change the UVMap being used
- “fill interior” so models won’t be hollow
- “auto resolution” makes colors more accurate without having to subdivide
- “auto resolution detail” increases color precision but takes longer to load
- “use single block” to make the entire model use a specified block
- removed the composter block to make it work better with the schematic exporter
- 1.31
- changed leaf block names so when they don’t disappear when exported to a schematic
- 1.3
- Added multiple image support (5 images)
- Added new parameters
- “model scale” resizes the model while maintaining the block size
- “keep centered” visually centers the model horizontally and makes the lowest point 0
- “show height” displays how many blocks tall the model is
- renamed some parameters
- “resolution” renamed to “block size”
- “boolean” renamed to “join all parts”
- New block categories added
- some blocks were moved to different categories
- gradient color accuracy was fixed
- 1.2
- All block origin points are now centered instead of being at the bottom
- attributes added to make schematic exporter integration easier
- 3 gradient tools added
- 1.1
- block names changed to make exporting schematics easier
- some blocks removed
- categories added
- 1
- first release
- requires Blender 3.4
- no way of exporting schematics or importing directly to Minecraft yet